Fan Film, Fan Films

Aussie Star Wars Fan Film Suburban Knights

In the wake of San Diego Comic Con, I put FCT on a week-long moratorium when it came to anything related to Star Wars, The Dark Knight or the SDCC; needed to cleanse the palate a bit, ’cause eating too much hype ain’t good for you. Now we’re going to re-introduce those topics to our fan film diet; first up, a wild wonder from Down Under.

What is it with fan films from the Southern Hemisphere? You don’t see a lot of them, but when they turn up, they’re always—and I mean always—impressive. New Zealand coughed up the ultimate Matrix fan film, , and even tiny New Caldonia can say it is the home to the popular Iron Man fan film that came out early this year. Now, in addition to the Firefly flick, Waiting for Serenity, and the classic Star Wars shorts, The Dark Redemption and Bounty Trail, Australia can add the foul-mouthed, funny Suburban Knights to its collection of homegrown fan films.

Featuring Craig Tonkin as Darth Death and Dan Tonkn as Master Obi Wan-Ker, the flick plays out on the backroads of Melbourne, with the pair of would-be Jedi dueling it out while spitting out one-liners and epithets right and left. There’s a few allusions to another lightsaber duel flick, Ryan Vs. Dorkman, but this has the added benefit of a wisp of a plot, and plenty of dialogue. Oh, speaking of that: Make no mistake—this is a politically incorrect fan film and should be considered NSFW unless you have headphones plugged into your computer (I mention this just in case you didn’t already get the picture from “Obi Wan-Ker”). That said, the acting is dead-on funny, and the editing is way above par for a fan film. If the language is rudimentary, the technical aspects of the film are anything but, and these not-so-trifling aspects help make Suburban Knights a better than average fan production.

If you stop by the Knight Moves production blog, it turns out that the fan film’s subtitle, Episode 1: The Reckoning, isn’t an empty threat; they’re working on Episode 2: Death Crush and are a third of the way through shooting. Can’t wait to see what these knuckleheads come up with next.

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3 Responses to “Aussie Star Wars Fan Film Suburban Knights”

  1. 1 Digging Into Doctor Who Fan Films « Fan Cinema Today
  2. 2 Star Wars: The Lost Jedi Found in United Arab Emirates | Fan Cinema Today
  3. 3 2008: The Year In Star Wars Fan Films | Fan Cinema Today
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