Fan Film, Fan Films

James Bond Is Back…In Shamelady Fan Film

James Bond fans may be waiting breathlessly for Quantum of Solace to hit the multiplex later this year, but fan film aficianados have already seen the latest 007 flick—it’s called , and it kicks ass.

There aren’t that many James Bond fan films on the net, and with good reason—it’s hard to get all the pieces in place, like the sleek cars and fast women (or vis-versa), the suave hero and the incessant stream of cool gadgets. And if you do get your flick online, MGM is liable to have it taken back off. All of this makes Shamelady, a 50-minute epic made in France, all the more impressive, having miraculously sidestepped all these issues.

Writer/director Eric Saussine’s is the most serious Bond fan production ever, getting everything you’d want in a 007 flick just right, from the explosions to the high-speed car chases (in the correct Austin-Martin—a $250,000 car!) to the hot chicks. He even managed to work around the issue of a lead actor who doesn’t speak English: Set the film in France so that the international super-spy spends most of the film talking in the bad guy’s native tongue with subtitles—slick!

It’s still a low-budget affair, and some of the acting will have you doubled-over as if you were slugged in the gut by Ian Flemming’s hero, but overall, this is a very impressive fan production. If you want to find out more about how they did it, there’s a great interview over at Wikinews, too. Saussine’s website used to have a DVD-quality copy of the fan film for download (in PAL format only, unfortunately), but that seems to have disappeared, along with any mention of Shamelady. Instead, he and his crew are already at work on their sequel, Shatterhand.

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