Fan Film, Fan Films

DC Elseworlds: Something Else, Somewhere Else

DC Elseworlds link now works.

Chris Cowan, a young filmmaker from Cincinnati now based in Los Angeles, has initiated a webseries of fan films called . Based on DC Comics’ Elseworlds series, the idea is that heroes are taken from their usual settings and put into alternate realities.

So far, there’s three episodes online and a fourth one is supposedly due any day now. Characters worked in so far include a Green Lantern, Mister Terrific, Donna Troy, Batwoman, Raven and Black Canary, among others. The plot, um, such as there is, follows some heroes against some others, and maybe there’s a conspiracy going on. Or something. Truthfully, if you don’t read the comics, you can’t tell what’s going on, so I’m completely lost. But it looks nice.

The fact that there’s so many women in the cast in unusual, but so is the exemplary camerawork and editing. Additionally, for a fan film, the acting is solid (Dan Johnson as GL John Stewart is a standout), most episodes are pretty thankfully short and the whole thing has a first-season Heroes vibe to it—which is a good thing. Now if they’d only take a moment to spell out what the hell is going on for noobs like me.

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No Responses to “DC Elseworlds: Something Else, Somewhere Else”

  1. TheRealGL

    Wow these are really great!!!

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