Fan Film, Fan Films

Fan Film Speed News (2 sentences or less)

Still trying to empty the ol’ FCT email bin, and maybe the only real way to get things done is just to do the blogging version of “blipverts” from the old Max Headroom show (Hellooooo, Hollywood: a DVD release someday?). Let’s get to it:

• Direct from 1992, it’s Star Trek: USS Proxima. It’s like grunge Trek, complete with two-tone Cobain hair and a prized TMBG T-shirt under flannel.

Fan Film: The Movie sounds kind of interesting. It’s in the middle of being edited, and sounds a bit like the Star Wars classic The Formula, but I plan to keep an eye out to see how it progresses.

Someone’s making a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan flick and needs 5 gang members, 10 foot ninjas and a car radio thief. Kowabu—yawn.

• Over at, there’s an interview with actress Risha Denney from the Operation Beta Shield fan film.

• I remember the original Star Wars: Macbeth fan film made in the late 90s by three kids from New Jersey; turns out there’s lots of fan flicks with that same theme now, as noted in this cool little remembrance by Hydrogen-Crane.

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