Fan Film, Fan Films

Born of Hope: A LOTR Fan Film Reborn

Born of Hope, a Lord of the Rings fan effort that was announced years ago, has sprung back to life. For ages it appeared that no progress had been made on the film—that’s usually the kiss of death for a fan production, so I figured the film had simply stalled out. Luckily, I was wrong.

It turns out there’s a new trailer coming down the pike in October, but for those unfamiliar with the project, here’s the current (old) one, which was made from test footage shot in 2006. That was the last they’d shot to date, so you can see why one would think the production was DOA.

However, shooting resumed in July, and is planned in bursts throughout the rest of the year, plus numerous members of the production will be putting in an appearance at Germany’s Ring*Con 2008 in October. If you’re going there, they plan on doing a panel, so go check ‘em out. I’m sure they intend to do J.R.R. Tolkien proud.

One thing about this production that caused an avalanche of expletives in my household (in an admiring way) was that this flick has been shooting in the West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village in the U.K. That site is exactly what you might think it is from the title—a newly-built historical recreation of an Anglo-Saxon town from the first Millennium.

Seeing as my beloved, the librarian, has been slowly (slooooooowly) writing a novel about 532 A.D. England for years, she knows all about West Stow, but we’ve never been able to get to it. When we last went to the UK four or five years ago, a rail disaster of some sort foiled our plans for the day, so we spent our time in (where else?) the British Library, so that she could do research instead. While some of the library was dull, they have a lot of handwritten Beatles lyrics on display there—oh, and piffling stuff like the Magna Carta—so her bored hubby was molified. Did you know you can’t drink beer in the library? Neither did I…

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3 Responses to “Born of Hope: A LOTR Fan Film Reborn”

  1. andrei howles

    looking forward to see the film wen will it come out

  2. When will it be presented to public? May be I missed it…

  3. cliveyoung

    They have not announced a release date yet, but it sounds like it could be a year or more before it comes out. On the other hand, could well be worth the wait!

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