Fan Film, Fan Films

Nintendo Wii Fan Film: There Will Be Brawl

Remember the other week, when I wrote about some kids in Georgia who are making a film for class based on Super Mario Brothers? Turns out someone else has already been there, done that with the fairly exciting (and funny) There Will Be Brawl, a parody of the popular Super Smash Bros. Brawl video game for the Nintendo Wii.

Even though it’s based on a kids game, make no mistake—this is a grown-up flick, and the filmmakers have pasted ‘Warning: Not intended for viewers under the age of 17′ all over their website. More info—and the video—after the jump.

Matthew Mercer (Director, Co-Creator) and Zach Grafton (Writer, Co-Creator, Producer) placed the flick online back in September, where it landed more than 30,000 views within two days. Brawl is intended to be a series of sorts, so this is actually a first episode, with the second one currently being edited into shape and due out soon. The overall plot, summarized on the site goes something like this:

In a Dystopian Mushroom Kingdom, corruption and avarice reign supreme. Even the greatest heroes of the land have buckled beneath the overwhelming will of the amoral elite. When a series of grisly crimes pushes an unlikely champion to seek the truth, a mystery unfolds that could completely destroy everything he holds dear.

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