Fan Film, Fan Films

FCT Hosts Fan Films, Debuts Homemade Hollywood Book at New England Fan Experience This Weekend!

new england fan experienceI’ve been doing a lot of roadtrips recently to promote my new book, , and this weekend ain’t no exception. I’ll be hosting not one but two programs about fan films at the New England Fan Experience, a pretty wild convention in Cambridge, MA that starts today and runs through Sunday.

I’ll also finally have brand-spankin’-new copies of with me, hot off the presses and ready for me to deface sign for people (my publisher promises I’ll have books, even if they have to ship ‘em direct to the hotel; they swear. And if I don’t have books in tow, I’ll swear, so virulently it’d make Kevin Smith blush).

For both programs, I’ll be showing some of the greatest fan films ever on the big screen, while regaling you with stories about why the filmmakers set themselves on fire, or swung off buildings, or spent their life savings on their flicks. We’ll talk about the legality of fan films, why the earliest fan films were made by con men, and maybe even a bit about the future of the medium.

Saturday, Nov. 22, I’ll host an overview of fan films through history with the imaginatively titled program, Homemade Hollywood. It’s being held in the Thomas Payne A room from 5-7PM, so feel free to bring in dinner and stuff your face while you watch movies; hell, I might do that myself (“…and this..chomp, chomp, chomp…ish cold Bamin D’in–gulp–I mean, called Batman: Dead End“).

Sunday, Nov. 23, I’ll be doing an entirely different fan film program—May The Fan Film Be With You—and it’s wall-to-wall Star Wars fan productions. It’s being held in the Thomas Payne A room from 10AM-12PM, so feel free to bring in breakfast and stuff your face while you watch movies; hell, I might do that myself (Are you getting deja vu? I am…)

For the record, my NEFE appearances are supported in part with funds from the Strategic Opportunity Stipend (SOS) Program through the New York Foundation for the Arts, administered on Long Island by the East End Arts Council. (All of these entities are awesome).

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