Fan Film, Fan Films

Star Trek: Of Gods And Men Hits DVD

STOGAM DVDIn a move that’s certain to be controversial, the fan filmmakers behind Star Trek: Of Gods and Men have released their movie on DVD.

The flick made a splash earlier this year when it was finally released in three parts after months of delays. Why? Well, likely the sheer star power of the cast, which included a slew of Trek regulars from across the various official series and movies, such as Walter Koenig and Nichelle Nichols (Uhura and Chekov from original Star Trek), along with Alan Ruck (Captain John Harriman of the seventh feature film, Star Trek Generations), Grace Lee Whitney (original Star Trek ); Garrett Wang and Ethan Phillips (Voyager); Cirroc Lofton, Chase Masterson and JG Hertzler (Deep Space Nine), Gary Graham and Crystal Allen (Enterprise), Herb Jefferson (Battlestar Galactica) plus Tim Russ (Voyager), who also directed.

The DVD is being made available as a “free gift” if you purchase something from the filmmakers’ store of Trek memorabilia—posters, signed photos and the like. That’s the kind of deal you usually find in a comic book or pop culture convention, where a dealer is selling bootleg DVDs of TV series and such. It’s always the “Hey, buy my Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures live-action TV series set, and I’ll throw in a fan film DVD of your choice as a ‘gift.’” Accordingly, the legality of this ST:OGAM DVD is a little grey, so if you’re dying for this flick on disc, you probably want to move fairly quickly, just in case (I’m not going to get one, although admittedly it sounds like a cool disc).

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