Fan Film, Fan Films

Troops Auteur Kevin Rubio on Force-Cast

Force-CastHe ignited the modern fan film movement, wrote the Jar-Jar Binks episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, was made an honorary member of 501st Legion, and is even the star of a whole chapter in my book about fan films, Homemade Hollywood. Now Kevin Rubio has been bestowed perhaps the greatest honor ever: A guest appearance on TheForce.Net’s podcast, The Force-Cast.

Force-Cast: In the Cantina with Kevin Rubio finds the writer/director of the groundbreaking Star Wars fan film, Troops, sitting down to chew the fat with host Jimmy Mac. The result is a fun (and surprisingly fast) hour of repartee and revelations.

Together, they cover Troops and its aftermath, exploring how it led to Rubio’s popular “Tag & Bink” Star Wars comic book tales for Dark Horse Comics, how he turned down the story editor job for the entire Clone Wars TV series (!) and why you’re not allowed to show Jar-Jar getting out of water (which is a shame, ’cause he could use a bath, I’m sure). Check it out and give it a listen!

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