Fan Film, Fan Films

Ghostbusters Fan Film Gets Bent

ghostbusters fan film hellbentGhostbusters: Hellbent is a fan film that’s been gestating for the better part of 10 years. Devised by writer/star Jamie Hodges, the flick follows the oddball adventures of a slimed-behind-the-ears group o’ Busters. The flick, set to run about 90 minutes, is in the final stages of post-production, according to Hodges, and is waiting only on a few final effects shots at this point. For more info, check out the flick’s website, or visit its , which includes this summary:

Ghostbusters International recruiter Oscar Wallace (Chris Bowles) sets out along the East Coast to set up Ghostbusters franchises outside of New York, landing him in Richmond, VA. There, a meal gone ghastly leads him to recruit Steven Reeves (Jamie Hodges), Marc Skyler (Timm Childress), and Jay Davis (Matt Adams)—three college students with a knack for the paranormal.
They set up shop as Ghostbusters, ridding Richmond of bizarre apparitions. However, the Boys in Gray are challenged when the River City catches the eye of the Anti-Christ. Soon all Hell breaks loose and it’s up to the Ghostbusters to stop it. When an over-crowded Hell threatens your city, who you gonna call?

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