Tag Archives: amateur filmmaking

Homemade Hollywood’s First Review!

As I’ve mentioned many times here on FCT, I’ve written the first book about fan films, Homemade Hollywood: Fans Behind The Camera, which will come out from Continuum Books on October 1. That’s still a month away (although yes, you can pre-order it from Amazon and elsewhere), but the first review has hit the web [...]

Ireland To Get Fan Film Show: Sweded TV

Maybe the movie Be Kind, Rewind didn’t make much of a dent at the box office, but it’s had at least one cultural impact: “Sweded” has become part of the international vocabulary. In the film, Jack Black’s character lies that all his homemade movie remakes are from Sweden—hence, once he’s finished making a cardboard homage, [...]

Son of Rambow Expands

Son of Rambow, the little movie that might, is on the move this weekend, spreading out from five to 36 theaters nationwide, as Paramount Vantage expands its release. In the meantime, here’s a nice article in the New York Sun that uses an interview with the director, Garth Jennings, as a jumping off point to [...]

New York Comic Con 2008 Fan Film Panel Wrap-Up

This was my third visit to the New York Comic Con, which, gee, is in its third year. As always, it was a blast. All of New York City decided to fly its proverbial freak flag and jam into the Javits Center. I read that they were expecting 60,000 people this weekend, and I think [...]

Analysis: Get A Clue An Idea

One aspect of fan films that is continually surprising is how many filmmakers absolutely refuse to take the easy way out—not necessarily in effects or budget, but in the sheer scope of their projects. Sometimes it’s like a kindergartner deciding to paint his own version of the Sistine Chapel using finger paints; you have to [...]

Gray Areas: Lucasfilm Backyard Film Contest

Wanna start an argument between fan filmmakers? Ask ‘em what constitutes a fan film. And if you want to see that argument escalate into a brawl (and really, who doesn’t?), inquire whether “fan films” made by professionals count–you know, flicks like the upcoming Star Trek: Of Gods And Men, featuring nearly every Trek actor that [...]

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