Tag Archives: Star Wars Revelations

Star Wars: Revelations Director Gives Trenches A Sneak Peek This Weekend!

Trenches, the long-awaited webseries from Shane Felux, will get a sneak peek this weekend at Maryland’s Farpoint Convention, screening Friday at 10PM, and Saturday at 11AM, followed by a Q&A panel.
If you aren’t familiar with Trenches or it only vaguely rings a bell, you’re not alone. Felux made a big splash in 2005 with his [...]

Ph.D. Thesis Profiles Star Wars: Revelations and Star Wreck: In The Pirkinning Fan Films

Making a fan film is a great way to express yourself, learn how to make a movie and generally have fun. Others simply enjoy watching fan films, and that’s cool, too: You get entertained (hopefully), see aspects of a favorite character or franchise that you never saw before, and discover what your fellow fans are [...]

‘Gollum’ Lord of the Rings Fan Film Trailer Up

A few weeks ago, I mentioned The Hunt For Gollum, a slick, 30-minute Lord of the Rings fan film that’s being shot in the U.K. The folks behind it have been working away on the project for ages, and now the end is  in sight; the film will hit the internet in December, 2008, and [...]

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