Tag Archives: Stop Motion

More Stop-Motion Animation Secrets of Star Wars Tales

In December, FCT covered Danny Mosier’s extensive fan film, Star Wars Tales, a stop-motion animated action figure flick that spins a slew of new short stories that take place in the Star Wars Universe. Mosier spent three years animating the flick, which makes him either extremely dedicated or utterly insane (or both). Speaking with FCT, [...]

Stop-Motion Animation Secrets of Star Wars Tales

In December, FCT covered Danny Moiser’s extensive fan film, Star Wars Tales, a stop-motion animated action figure flick that spins a slew of new short stories that take place in the Star Wars Universe. Mosier spent three years animating the flick, which makes him either extremely dedicated or utterly insane (or both). Speaking with FCT, [...]

Star Wars Tales: An Animated Anthology

Dark Horse Comics used to print an interesting anthology comic book, Star Wars Tales, which offered up a batch of stories each issue, all set in the universe that George Lucas invented a long time ago (the Seventies) in a galaxy far, far away (California). Although it had its fans, the comic book came to [...]

Free Stop-Motion Animation Video Software

The arrival of home video cameras in the late Seventies turbocharged home movies. Amateur filmmakers were used to spending a fortune on 3-minute, silent 8mm film reels that you shot, hoped the exposure was right and then sent off to the local photo lab for 3-4 weeks. When the reels came back, people had to [...]

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