Tag Archives: Video Games

Legend of Zelda Fan Film On The Way

There’s been a lot of fan films based on video games in recent times, and the tidal wave isn’t stopping any time soon; now we’re moving on from obvious entires like Tomb Raider to more exotic fare, like flicks based on the classic Nintendo series, The Legend of Zelda. That game is now the inspiration [...]

Mega Man Fan Film Trailer Now Online

I briefly mentioned the upcoming Mega Man fan film a while back, and now its trailer has landed online. The short has made quite a splash, too, getting covered around the gaming blogosphere. I never played the game, so a lot of it is lost on me, but filmmaker Eddie Lebron has done a nice [...]

Tomb Raider: Ascension Fan Film is a Hit!

Except for Ms. Pac-Man, Lara Croft is arguably the best-known female video game character ever. As the “star” of Edios’ Tomb Raider series, sporting a British accent, sleek moves and outfits that pack more than pistols, Croft walks the precariously thin line between post-feminist icon and fanboy drool instigator. As a result, it might seem [...]

Metal Gear Solid Fan Film in 2008?

Lots of fan films say they’ve been “long awaited,” but this one means it: The Italian video game tribute, Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy, has been in the works since 2002. The team behind the effort had promised this summer would finally see the release of the first installment in a planned trilogy; with one major [...]

Halo Fan Film Contest Winner Announced

The Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge isn’t the only fan film contest in the news this week. Halo video games are played all around the world, and as if to prove the point, the European arm of Microsoft announced the winner of its Halo: Recut fan film contest on Monday. The top entry is Master [...]

Shhh! Max Payne Fan Film Revived…sort of

We’ve covered the untimely demise of the Max Payne fan film, Payne & Redemption, a few times here on FCT, and it’s all been bad news. Now, finally there’s something good to report. As you may recall, Fox, the major studio that owns the movie rights to the popular video game character, forced the small-time [...]

BloodRayne Fan Film Interview, Part 2

Yesterday, I ran Part One of my interview with Vera VanGuard, writer / producer / star of the recent fan production, BloodRayne: A Fan Film. It was a frank discussion that included the immortal line, “I wanted to show that I can do more than…kick ass or have my ass kicked—I can be funny too.” [...]

BloodRayne Fan Film Interview, Part 1

A few weeks ago, I featured BloodRayne: A Fan Film, a 10-minute slice-and-dice fest featuring the heroine of the popular video game series. Set in Nazi Germany, the flick follows the wisecracking titular character as she hunts down her father—a vampire—so she can kill him (imagine what holiday dinners must have been like in that [...]

Bloodrayne Fan Film Debuts

I’ve long felt that there aren’t enough women involved in the fan film scene, so when I heard that there was a new Bloodrayne fan film based on the popular video games, I had to take a look. Even though I’m a video game nut, I’ve never played this one (I’m an Atari 2600 collector [...]

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