Fan Film, Fan Films

New News for Star Ranger 7 and Star Trix

Just because a fan film comes out doesn’t mean that it’s all said and done; here’s the latest on some flicks we’ve covered previously:

Star Ranger 7, the original Sci-Fi short by the creator of Superman: The Super 8 Movie–Special Edition (the legendary fan film shut down by DC Comics, as covered in my book, Homemade Hollywood), has gotten a brand-new website. Besides a new look, it now supports Quicktime and Flash, offers VR looks around the digital sets of the film, and also allows one to view the Superman and Star Wars fan flicks that preceded Star Ranger 7.

• Another fan film that was almost supressed by The Man was the 1980s stop-motion effort, Star Trix: The Flick. Homemade Hollywood recounts how Paramount Pictures’ lawyers tried to stop the production from airing on public access cable, and Art Binninger’s sarcastic crusade to do it anyway. Now Star Trix is getting a digital remastering in preparation to be put back online around the release time of the new Star Trek movie. Look for it soon at the Star Trix website.

star trix

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