Tag Archives: star ranger 7

New News for Star Ranger 7 and Star Trix

Just because a fan film comes out doesn’t mean that it’s all said and done; here’s the latest on some flicks we’ve covered previously: • Star Ranger 7, the original Sci-Fi short by the creator of Superman: The Super 8 Movie–Special Edition (the legendary fan film shut down by DC Comics, as covered in my [...]

Superman and Star Wars Lead To Star Ranger 7!

I’ve mentioned Superman: The Super 8 Movie—Special Edition numerous times and I wrote about it extensively in my new book on fan films, Homemade Hollywood, but no one could actually see the movie, because it was forced offline by lawyers a decade ago. Back then, DC Comics sent a cease and desist letter to filmmaker [...]

Superman: Super 8 to Return with Star Ranger 7!

Just last week, I recounted the infamous story of how one of the first superhero fan films to hit the web, Superman: The Super 8 Movie—Special Edition, got forced offline by DC Comics before it developed a more pragmatic view of fan productions. Now Fan Cinema Today is hearing  that the famed, forgotten flick may [...]

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