Tag Archives: batmobile

2008: The Year in Batman Fan Films

Fan films were big this year, but clearly the big movie story was The Dark Knight. The feature film flew off with most of the summer box office, and now it may well do the same with upcoming awards season trinkets. Unsurprisingly, the movie lead to a lot of fan-created Batman tributes, ranging from an [...]

Little Batman Goes Indy

Regular FCT readers may recall a fairly big-budget fan production I wrote about back in June, The Amazing Adventures of Little Batman. The flick launched last year on YouTube and has since become an online phenomenon, seen by more than 65,000 people. Now Jordan H. Wachtell, the fan film’s producer—not to mention the Dad of [...]

The Dark Knight’s Batmobile Needs A Fan Film!

Everyone has a talent in this life, even the people you can’t stand (they have a knack for pissing you off, after all). Movie fan Bob Dullam’s special talent, on the other hand, is to make your jaw drop, and if you don’t believe it, consider this: He built that Dark Knight Batmobile (AKA The [...]

New Batman Fan Films, Part 3: Little Batman

Over the last few days, I’ve been highlighting new Batman fan flicks that are currently in production, all hoping to hit the internet roughly around July 18, when The Dark Knight in theaters. Today, I’m highlighting one that’s actually finished. If you want to see an unusual—but terminally cute—fan film, look no further than The [...]

Review: Batman Vs. Star Trek

The most memorable scene in Stand By Me, at least for me, is the one where the kids argue as to who would win in a fight: Superman or Mighty Mouse? We’ve all had that kind of conversation at some point or another. Once you get a bit older, the questions change to “Ginger or [...]

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