Tag Archives: robin

Nightwing: Resurrected Fan Film Struggles To Take Flight

Nightwing—AKA The Superhero Formerly Known As Batman’s Sidekick, Robin—gets his own fan film with Nightwing: Resurrected.

Batman: Black & White…and Seeing Red

Batman: Black & White is a lengthy fan production from Chicago filmmaker Christopher Schrader and his producing partner Kristen Wenke. While many parts of the Batman mythos have been explored in the past, this down and dirty, film noir thriller details a generally obscure time in the hero’s timeline. The flick finds Batman older and [...]

Prep For Watchmen With The League

Everyone’s eagerly anticipating next Spring’s Watchmen movie, and with good reason—Hollywood’s been promising it for 20 years now. If you’re looking for a way to bide the time until then, there’s that incredible Watching the Watchmen: The Definitive Companion to the Ultimate Graphic Novel book that my wife had to yank out of my hands when [...]

Review: Batman Vs. Star Trek

The most memorable scene in Stand By Me, at least for me, is the one where the kids argue as to who would win in a fight: Superman or Mighty Mouse? We’ve all had that kind of conversation at some point or another. Once you get a bit older, the questions change to “Ginger or [...]

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