Tag Archives: Vidding

Review: muvee Reveal Software for Vidding, Fan Films

For many people who want to make a fan film or get into Vidding, video editing software can be overwhelming. If you’re one of those folks, then you might be interested in a new Windows-based video editor from muvee aimed at beginners. muvee Reveal is specifically designed for making home movies and music videos (Vidders [...]

OTW Debuts Fanlore & New Academic Journal

The Organization of Transformative Works (OTW) is a good idea that came together late last year, and now after months of laying groundwork, it’s finally starting to take off. What is OTW? Basically, it’s a non-profit group of fan fiction writers and fandom academics who have joined forces to promote and protect fan-created work—an umbrella [...]

Is The Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge Sexist?

Voting for the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge closes out today, making this your last chance to vote for the Audience Choice Award, which will be handed out at the San Diego Comic Con, on July 24. I suspect that most of the fan film community feels the SWFMC is a good thing, but not [...]

Gray Areas: Women In Fan Films—Where?

Last week’s Gray Areas column covered Paula Peril, a short, original flick starring Valerie Perez, who was the actress and producer behind the fan film Tomb Raider: Tears of the Dragon. However, Perez is an anomally in the fan production world–not because she made the jump to being paid to be in Peril, but rather [...]

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