Category Archives: Video Games

DAVE School: The CGI Secret of Star Trek: Phase II

If you’ve ever watched an episode of the fan film series Star Trek: New Voyages/Phase II, there was probably a point where you used any one of Christian Bale’s favorite expletives, followed by “will ya look at those effects?” They’re impressive alright—and often, they’re courtesy of DAVE School: The Digital Animation and Visual Effects School [...]

Fan Film Vamp Valerie Perez Back As Paula Peril!

Valerie Perez made waves in the fan film world a few years ago with the fan film, Tomb Raider: Tears of the Dragon, a firepower-heavy take on the legendary video game heroine, Lara Croft. That, in turn, led to her starring role in the 2007 DVD/web short, Paula Peril: Trapped in the Flames, based on [...]

2008: The Year in Fan Film News

Ah, the last post of 2008—and what a year it was for fan films. Fan Cinema Today has been bringing you all the news since it sputtered back to life in April, and there’s been plenty to write about. It was a year where fan films made tremendous strides forward in the public eye, with [...]

Troops Auteur Kevin Rubio on Force-Cast

He ignited the modern fan film movement, wrote the Jar-Jar Binks episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, was made an honorary member of 501st Legion, and is even the star of a whole chapter in my book about fan films, Homemade Hollywood. Now Kevin Rubio has been bestowed perhaps the greatest honor ever: A [...]

Legend of Zelda Fan Film On The Way

There’s been a lot of fan films based on video games in recent times, and the tidal wave isn’t stopping any time soon; now we’re moving on from obvious entires like Tomb Raider to more exotic fare, like flicks based on the classic Nintendo series, The Legend of Zelda. That game is now the inspiration [...]

Mega Man Fan Film Trailer Now Online

I briefly mentioned the upcoming Mega Man fan film a while back, and now its trailer has landed online. The short has made quite a splash, too, getting covered around the gaming blogosphere. I never played the game, so a lot of it is lost on me, but filmmaker Eddie Lebron has done a nice [...]

FCT Roadtrip Report: Mass Bay Film Project

Wednesday, I flew up to Gloucester, MA to run a night of fan films and discussion of the history of fan films, and it went pretty well. Rob Newton, head of the Mass Bay Film Project, hosted; the evening was part of his organization’s current ’60 Films in 33 Days’ festival, kicking off its current [...]

Nintendo Wii Fan Film: There Will Be Brawl

Remember the other week, when I wrote about some kids in Georgia who are making a film for class based on Super Mario Brothers? Turns out someone else has already been there, done that with the fairly exciting (and funny) There Will Be Brawl, a parody of the popular Super Smash Bros. Brawl video game [...]

Super Mario Bros. Get Live-Action Fan Film

There’s been lots of fan films based on video games over the years—I’ve written about fan productions based on Lara Croft, Halo, Metal Gear Solid and Max Payne on this blog alone, and there’s plenty more out there, from Pac-Man to Resident Evil. Now you can add Super Mario Brothers to the list. No, really. [...]

Tomb Raider: Ascension Fan Film is a Hit!

Except for Ms. Pac-Man, Lara Croft is arguably the best-known female video game character ever. As the “star” of Edios’ Tomb Raider series, sporting a British accent, sleek moves and outfits that pack more than pistols, Croft walks the precariously thin line between post-feminist icon and fanboy drool instigator. As a result, it might seem [...]

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