It’s summertime—time to hang out and take it easy. Whether you’re going to the beach or tying up the bathroom after a dozen BBQ chili dogs, you’re gonna need something to read. Naturally, I recommend the only book on fan films, Homemade Hollywood: Fans Behind The Camera, by me. And just in case you don’t actually own it, here’s my present to you:
Download it right now and discover:
• Why George Lucas calls it his favorite Star Wars parody of all-time!
• Why one of the filmmakers says Lucas is lying!
• How Oingo Boingo and Sesame Street influenced it!
• What happened when 20th Century Fox lawyers cornered the producer!
• How Francis Ford Coppola took the follow-up, Porklips Now! (Hint: Badly)
• And lots, lots more!
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you won’t kiss any bucks goodbye, ’cause it’s FREE!
If you like it, pick up Homemade Hollywood at your local bookstore, Amazon, or other highly esteemed outlets. All those rave reviews on the right side of the screen can’t be wrong; give it a shot and see for yourself. Think of it as my way of saying thanks for reading the blog.
Speaking of which…
FAN CINEMA TODAY is taking the summer off through the end of August.
I’m not abandoning the blog; I have some major projects that are going to require all my free time for a few weeks. People who have sent me interviews, DVDs, etc. recently: Your stuff will get covered when FCT returns.
In the meantime, you can get your fan film fix by using the Search box here on the site—there’s nearly 500 different posts on FCT, so there’s bound to be something cool you never saw before. Also, I’ll still be on Twitter (@FanCinemaToday and ), will be available at my own website (cliveyoung.com), and will host a fan film festival at the Island Trees Public Library on Long Island on July 17 at 6PM—come out, mention FCT, and you’ll get a complimentary DVD of Dan Poole’s legendary The Green Goblin’s Last Stand Spider-Man fan film!
So have a good summer, enjoy the free chapter, read the book, don’t forget about FAN CINEMA TODAY, and I’ll see you in September.
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