FCT has covered Watchmen fan films a few times (and even the occasional cool knock-off). With the feature film hitting theaters soon, you’d think there would be an onslaught of related fan productions hitting the web. You’d also be wrong. Hurm. Nonetheless, this week, we’ll take a look at some of the fan-created offerings out there on the web.
Wrapping up the week, here’s a few odds and ends, ranging from pseudo-animation to a compendium of Rorschach’s greatest hits (and by that, I mean punches, slugs, nose-crushers and knock-outs).
And…The Best WATCHMEN Fan Film Ever! See the flicks after the jump.
The Watchmen Animated Series Screen Test is a weird one, using simple image manipulation and quotes from the comic to “interview” some of the main characters of the graphic novel.
The oh-so-imaginatively titled Watchmen Movie: Rorschach is a lot more rough-and-tumble than most of the flicks we’ve covered this week. A British entry, the flick shows a show-no-mercy vigilante that’s fairly in keeping with Moore’s classic character. Inventively, the filmmakers got around the problem of creating an ever-changing mask by simply leaving it blank. I guess if you project inkblots on to it, that says something about your psychology….
And finally, to close out the week, it bears noting that the best Watchmen fan film out there remains the very first one reviewed on FCT nearly two years ago: Watchmen: Page 5. Made by Bryant Hodson when he was in high school, it’s a wonderful yet painfully short take presentation of the comic; it’s so great, you just want it to keep going. If you’ve ever seen it, you might wonder what Hodson’s been up to since—well, check out the Batman fan film beneath it and make sure to watch til the end. Now you’re in the right frame of mind for Watchmen next week.
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