Disappointed by Dollhouse? Wish Joss Whedon was still bustin’ out Buffy? Well, we can’t help you with those, but if you’re dying to return to the world of Firefly and Serenity, here’s your opportunity to not only see a new story, but to be in it!
Big Damn Fan Films, LLC is looking for extras to be in a Western/Chinese bar brawl scene for its new flick, Browncoats: Redemption, which will be shooting near Ocean City, MD during the first two weekends of April.
You won’t get paid, but meals and drinks will be provided during production; if you’re coming from a distance, you have to cover your own transportation and lodging, although they have a deal set-up for discounted rooms with a local resort if you need ‘em.
If this sounds up your alley, drop the casting director, Heather F, an email, with the subject line of “Redemption Extra: Ocean City,” as well as a digital photo of yourself. Send it all heatherf@browncoatsmovie.com no later than March 26th, 2009. And if you go, drop FCT a line and let us know how shooting went!
there’s plenty of Buffy / Angel fan films about, look them up.
You’re absolutely right–I think I’ll have to put something together on ‘em soon. Thanks for stopping in.