Chris Notarile (left) and Clive Young at AFA
This past weekend was a double-header of fan film goodness for Fan Cinema Today, as I hosted movie event/author talks two days in a row, first at in New York City on Friday night, and then the next day, out on Long Island at I-Con 28, the long-running Sci-Fi convention.
The Anthology gig was a lot of fun, as I was joined by fan film directors Dan Galiardi (Iron Fist: The Dragon Unleashed), Adam Bertocci (Brooklyn Force) and Chris Notarile (Elektra: The Hand and the Devil).
Spreading the word about my book, Homemade Hollywood, I did a speedy PowerPoint talk about fan-film history and showed a few classics. Next, the guys screened their flicks and we wrapped up the evening with an eye-opening Q&A. The questions were awesome, ranging from “How much did you spend on your movie?” to “Since the villain, Bullseye, has perfect aim, why would be use a TV remote to change the channel when he could just throw it at the TV changing button to make it switch and bounce back to him?” You shoulda been there….
The next day found me heading out to a Marriott in the far-flung corners of Long Island for I-Con, which was held away from its traditional home on the SUNY Stony Brook campus for the first time. Sprawled out across three locations, the convention was spread a little thin and I fully expected to play to a crowd of two or three people tops. Instead, it was a solid house, I sold a few books and it was a surprising success—I even showed folks a flick from a DVD that Notarile had given me the night before. In fact, the only downside was that I stupidly left the DVD in the convention’s player and didn’t realize until Sunday. Sigh. Somewhere, an underpaid AV tech is enjoying a fine evening of Tawnya Manion movies like I’m Power Girl, Dammit. Damn it.
[Update: They found the errant DVD and are sending to me---whew!]
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