Motti Then...
There’s a lot of tools in the first Star Wars movie (Greedo, Uncle Owen and even C3PO in his overly fey moments come to mind), but Admiral Motti beats them all hands down. Who the heck is Admiral Motti? (I had to look him up, to be honest). He’s the big mouth in the Death Star “board room” scene—the one who taunts Vader mercilessly (“Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes”) until the Big Guy lays that phantom Force choke hold on him, just to get Motti to shut the hell up already.
Well, that’s the last we see of Motti in the movies, but according to Richard LeParmentier, the actor who played the mouthy Imperial, his character escaped the space station before that terrorist Luke Skywalker blew it up. It’s not in the books or anything—that’s just the story ’cause he says so. Good enough for me. And now he want to make a fan film about it, called Motti Now.

...and Motti Now.
LeParmentier has written a screenplay, loosely inspired by Apocalypse Now, and is now looking for animators to breathe some life into it. Jumping head first into the project, he’s already recorded a few fellow Star Wars castmates for voices, including Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) and Garrick Hagon as Troopers, while Ken Colley has reprised his role as Captain Piett and Jerome Blake has done a Vader impersonation. Of course, LeParmentier is back as Motti, surely ready to mouth off at the drop of a pointy, little Imperial hat.
It’s not the first time Apocalypse Now and Star Wars have crossed paths—Ernie Fosselius, one of the dudes behind Hardware Wars, turned his focus from George Lucas to Francis Ford Coppola when he made his 1980 follow-up, Porklips Now. Coppola’s reputed reaction—and its aftermath—is one of the best stories in my fan film book, (let’s put it this way: I contacted Coppola’s people twice to get his side of the story, and didn’t even get a generic email response).
For more info on Motti Now—or to offer your animation expertise—visit LeParmentier’s website at www.admiralmotti.co.uk.
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