Tag Archives: Batman: Dead End

Unmasking Sandy Collora’s Hunter Prey

I’ve talked with Sandy Collora—the director behind the legendary fan films Batman: Dead End and World’s Finest—on and off for a few years, and interviewed him extensively for Homemade Hollywood. However, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that we finally got to meet, when he and Trey Stokes (Pink Five; Ark) were Special Guests [...]

Stop–Hammer Time! Fan Film Event A Success

The big fan film program at Los Angeles’ Hammer Museum was a big hit, showing not only some classic flicks and previews of upcoming works, but also attracting a veritable Who’s Who of the Southern California fan film scene. For those coming in late, here’s the story: The Hammer asked me to come out to [...]

Hey LA! Meet Sandy Collora, Trey Stokes (and Me) at the Hammer Musuem TONIGHT!

UPDATE: The fan film program was a big success—more in a few days (and a veritable Who’s Who group photo of the L.A. fan film crowd). That’s right–tonight (Wednesday, April 22) is the big fan film talk at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles! Starting at 7PM, I’ll be hosting a night of fan film [...]

Pink Five Returns…Sort Of

When it comes to the Women of Star Wars, well, you can keep ‘em. Slave-bikini Leia? Whatever. Wimpering Amidala? Yawn. Or how about…um…there really aren’t any other women in Star Wars, unless you count Aunt Beru. Me, I’d want to hang out with Stacey, the Valley Girl heroine of Pink Five—and I’m not alone on [...]

The Entire Fan Film World in 4 Minutes!

Ever try to explain what a fan film is to someone? Ever watch them fall asleep in the process? Have I got a video for you! Few people can describe fan films in a way that’s entertaining; one outfit that recently got it right, however, is Australian radio station Triple J, whose Marc Fennell hosts [...]

2008: The Year in Batman Fan Films

Fan films were big this year, but clearly the big movie story was The Dark Knight. The feature film flew off with most of the summer box office, and now it may well do the same with upcoming awards season trinkets. Unsurprisingly, the movie lead to a lot of fan-created Batman tributes, ranging from an [...]

FCT Hosts Fan Films, Debuts Homemade Hollywood Book at New England Fan Experience This Weekend!

I’ve been doing a lot of roadtrips recently to promote my new book, Homemade Hollywood, and this weekend ain’t no exception. I’ll be hosting not one but two programs about fan films at the New England Fan Experience, a pretty wild convention in Cambridge, MA that starts today and runs through Sunday. I’ll also finally [...]

Batman: Dead End Director’s Hunter Prey Peek!

I know, I know—I said it was gonna be “all Marvel, all the time” this week, but that was before io9, the biggest Sci-Fi blog on the planet, dropped a bombshell on fan film lovers: the first major interview with Sandy Collora about his upcoming feature film debut, Hunter Prey. Collora, you may recall, was [...]

FCT Roadtrip Report: Five Towns College

Is a roadtrip a roadtrip if it’s only a 40-minute drive? On Election Day, I spoke about fan films as a guest speaker at Five Towns College in Dix Hills, NY. About a year ago, I sat in on the school’s “Comics To Film” course and interviewed its professor, Dan Galiardi, for Homemade Hollywood, so [...]


So you live in Eastern Massachusetts and you have a boring week ahead. Take this Wednesday, for instance: Nothing to do! The Red Sox didn’t make the World Series, so you won’t be watching the game. TV is dead on Wednesday nights, and you can’t go out drinking (OK, shouldn’t), ’cause you’ve got work the [...]

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